The First Facebook Messenger Bot To Help In Property Searches In Australia
The First Facebook Messenger Bot To Help In Property Searches In Australia
Australian real-estate site Domain is generally at the forefront of Android releases, and it’s nothing unexpected that the company has conveyed their particularly fast development skills to take benefit of Facebooks new Bot system.
Proptech Domain is the first Australian company to create chat bots using a platform newly introduced by Facebook joining US brands the likes of CNN and 1-800 FLOWERS.
The company says its messenger bot is now live and "ready to help people find their dream home".
"Now you can simply start a Messenger chat with Domain as you would with your friends, and ask for the price on any address in Australia, or even just 'drop a pin' in a location," the Fairfax Media-owned company says .
"Instantly you'll receive detailed information on 13 million addresses in Australia, from Domain's Home Price Guide tool.
"It's a pretty cool innovation, and it's going to totally change the way the 4 million Aussies searching for property each month access the information they need."
The Facebook Bot declaration was made at their F8 developer conference a month ago, where they declared they would be welcoming businesses needing to make ‘chat bots’ for their Messenger platform. From ordering flowers online to demanding traffic updates and instant weather, Facebook’s chat bots are here to give us a lot more information when user need it.
The Domain chat bot is objectively basic at the moment, performing one function, but performing it really well. The Domain Facebook bot supplies house costs just by dropping a location pin in Facebook Messenger, even if that house is not available for sale. Domain has pricing information on over 13 million properties in their database, so the user can have somewhat of a sticky beak around their neighborhood to see what their home is worth.
To start getting prices using the Domain Messenger chat bot, just open Messenger, look for Domain then just hit the three dots in a grey box and select area. Drop the pin and the Bot will deliver house pricing around that pin. The user may have to scroll a couple to locate exact one, however, it works.
“Consolidating property search into one of the most popular consumer apps creates a whole new experience for Domain’s audience,” Damon Pezaro, chief product officer at Domain, said in an emailed statement. "Creating a Domain bot for Messenger allows a more natural communication interaction and saves consumers time flipping between apps and websites.”
While Domain's Messenger bot is simplistic, it is a great example of what user can imagine from brands pushing into this space. The user can not yet refine their search, ask any extra questions or view rental properties with the Messenger bot.
In the U.S., bots introduced with partner companies including CNN, Burger King and Bank of America. Each provides its products — news, banking information and food — to customers in an innovative way. These bots also have a long way to go to make them highly useful and intuitive for users.
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