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HijackThis – An Open-Source Tool That Finds Malware And Other Threats

HijackThis – An Open-Source Tool That Finds Malware And Other Threats.

HijackThis which is also known as HJT is a free and open-source tool to identify the malware and adware on Microsoft Windows. It was initially produced by Merijn Bellekom, and later it was put on the market to Trend Micro. 

The program is distinguished for speedily scanning a computer of the user to show the most familiar locations of malware, rather than relying on a database of known spyware. HijackThis tool is used mainly for diagnosis of malware which is not used to remove or distinguish the spyware—as the uneducated use of its facilities for removal that can be the reason of considerable damage of a software to a computer. Browser hijacking can be the reason of malware to be installed on a computer.

Trend Micro released on February 16, 2012. The source code of HijackThis as open source and now it is available on the SourceForge site.


HijackThis can create a logfile of plain-text specifying the all accessing which it discovers as well as some openings can be fixed by HijackThis. Innocent users are often recommended to exercise concerns, or to search for help when using the latter option, as HijackThis does not distinguish between genuine as well as surplus items, with the exclusion of a small whitelist of genuine entries, therefore allowing a user accidentally to protect the significant programs from operating, that may be the reason of the computer or its peripherals to stop working. 

HijackThis tries to generate the backups of the files as well as the entries of the registry that it could fix that can be used to re-establish the system in the event of a mistake.

A common use is to post the logfile to a forum where more qualified users can help to interpret that entry which required being removed. Automated tools also exist that investigate that put aside that logs as well as efforts to supply the recommendations to the user, or to clean entries automatically. Applying of such tools nevertheless is usually depressed by those who specialize in manually dealing with HijackThis logs: they believe the tools are hazardous for innocent users, and neither accurate nor reliable enough to replacement for discussing with a qualified human analyst.

Later versions of HijackThis contains such supplementary tools as a task manager, a hosts-file editor, and an alternate-data-stream scanner.

HiJack Pro:

During 2002 and 2003, IT industrialist Glenn Bluff who is the owner of Computer Hope UK prepared quite a few efforts to purchase HijackThis. This led to the joint development of HijackPro which is a specialized version of HijackThis with the capabilities which are already built-in the version to kill the similar processes similar of kill box. 

HijackPro had around 2.3 million downloads from an illicit download site in 2003 and 2004 and it was being discovered on sites arguing  it was HijackThis as well as it was free. HijackPro was sold to Touchstone software now Phoenix Technologies in 2007 to be included along with the Glenn Bluff's other company


HiJackThis has several features which are as discussed blow:
  • Records the contents of key areas of the Registry as well as of the hard drive.
  • Create a report as well as present them in a structured fashion.
  • Does not target the individual programs and also targets the URLs.
  • Notices only that methods which are used by hijackers to force you onto their sites.



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