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Alleged Syrian Electronic Army Hacker Extradited From Germany To U.S

Alleged Syrian Electronic Army Hacker Extradited From Germany To U.S

Alleged Syrian Electronic Army Hacker Extradited From Germany To U.S

Peter “Pierre” Romar who is a 36-year-old Syrian national supposed of being a member of the group of Syrian Electronic Army that has been extradited from Germany to the United States.

Romar who had been living in the town of Waltershausen in Germany was charged by U.S. authorities besides of two other suspected members of the gathered hackers in March. Whereas The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that the allege will become visible in the federal court of Virginia.

The Syrian Electronic Army is specially famous for highly revealed attacks in the support of the Syrian government as well as in the support of President Bashar al-Assad. Their targets contain the organizations of government, media companies and also other entities of private-sector.

Ahmad Umar Agha, 22, also known as “The Pro,” and Firas Dardar, 27, also known as “The Shadow,” have been charged for criminal plans which are connecting to their campaigns of hacktivism. On the other hand, Dardar and Romar were independently charged for their criminal behavior that included the hacking into the systems of businesses in the U.S. as well as elsewhere in an attempt to extract them.

The hackers attacked the computer system of the victim through the emails of spear phishing and then exposed to the damage devices and also remove or sell data except they were paid. At least in one case, Dardar told the victim about his association with the disreputable hacker group to influence them to pay up.

According to the authorities, the hackers targeted to the 14 organizations between July 2013 and December 2014. And they demanded a total of over $500,000 from victims. 

Although in most of the cases they established the smaller amounts. In one case including a Chinese online gaming company with the servers in the United States and they initially demanded $50,000, but finally lowered the ransom to $15,000.

Whereas other victims involve web hosting, online entertainment, and also  online media companies in the United States and Europe.

According to the authorities, Romar acted as an intermediary when victims could not transfer the money to the accounts of Syrian bank because of the regulations of international sanctions. In one case, the man established the payment from a victim as well as forwarded the money to an intermediary in Lebanon.

When the Justice Department declared the charges against the Syrian Electronic Army hackers, Romar had already been under arrest in Germany. Agha and Dardar are supposed to be in Syria so their anxiety is not a simple task that is why they have been added to the most wanted list of FBI. The agency is offering up to $100,000 for information that guides to their arrest.

Source: Securityweek


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